Sunday, April 8, 2018

Under the Sea! (Threes)

We had a “whale” of a good time this week studying the ocean! 

We enjoyed reading about and learning about many ocean animals this week, including dolphins, whales, sharks, fish, and octopuses! We even got to see how big a real life Great White Shark is and experience what it is like when an octopus "inks"! To go along with our theme, we also made a paper bag jellyfish to practice our scissor skills, practiced counting by making a paper plate octopus, had fun painting a rainbow fish, and even created beautiful Cheerio starfish!

We continued to review the numbers 1-10 this week and used ocean fun to practice counting and comparing numbers. We made a class graph of our favorite ocean animals and compared these numbers.  In our centers, we counted using dice and fish numbers to "feed" our shark on the floor, practiced writing numbers in our sand boxes, and made play dough printing with sea shells. 

We also continued to review letters in addition to our focus on the letter O. These sweet kiddos are making so much progress! They were amazing us with their ability to identify beginning sounds using our fun ocean animal sounds game. They are going to be more than ready for Kinder Prep in the fall!

To add even more fun, we did several neat “ocean” experiments! We enjoyed an experiment to explain how sharks float in the water and learned about primary and secondary colors with a neat “walking water” experiment.  We even got to fly an octopus kite outside!

This week, see if your child can... 

1. Help you find 10 letters they know on boxes in your kitchen. 
2. Tell you why an octopus "inks". 
3. Identify the numbers 1-10. 
4. Write their name. 
5. Explain one fact about an animal we learned about!

Fun jellyfish dotting!

Look at those good scissor skills!

We enjoyed our ocean sensory bin!

Her painting is almost as beautiful
as her smile!

Such focus!

Our shark was so hungry for numbers!

We were expert counters!

Writing in sand is so sad!

We had fun searching for letters
we know in our ocean books!

Someone knew all the beginning sounds!

Wow! Great work!

This sweet girl did a great job counting
with beads!

Such good readers!

This sweet friend was very
excited about his shark book!

See if your child can remember
what happened to the water!

Such sweet friends!

Crazy driver coming through!

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