Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Outer Space

 Our week was out of this world! Space week was a blast!

We learned so much this week... We enjoyed learning about the moon, our solar system, our sun, other stars, star constellations, gravity, and more! We were amazed at how much these little minds were able to absorb this week. 

Some of our fun activities included building our own space rockets, creating a solar system mural, and making 3D moons. We enjoyed discussing the differences between the planets, what the surface of the moon is like, what planet we live on, and how the Earth orbits around the sun. We also discussed how awesome is it that our God made ALL of this! What an amazing God we have!

We read all nonfiction books this week, which brought lots of learning! Our letter of the week was the letter S... S is for space and stars. As we have continued with sorting initial sounds, we keep getting better and better! Our letter writing and tracing have also been improving greatly. We have been working so hard!

Here are a few things to check with your child this week. Can you...

1. Tell me one fun fact about the moon?
2. Can you write the letter S and tell me its sound?
3. Can you count to 15?
4. Can you write the numbers 8 and 9?
5. Can you tell me who made everything in space?!

Looking for letters in our books!

 We got to go outside this week! We enjoyed the fresh air!

Beep! Beep!

Wow! Look at that amazing tracing!
Two sweet friends!

These two are expert sound sorters!

Learning is so much fun!

Rocket making is so much fun!

Coloring our own solar system!

Look at that balance!


3, 2, 1! Blastoff!

Space yoga!

We enjoyed sharing about the
adventures of Gumby!

Counting stars is so much fun!

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