Sunday, March 22, 2020

Quarantine: Week 2 :)

Hello all! I sure am missing everyone already!

I will start off by saying if there are any specific ways I can be praying for you, please feel free to message me individually and let me know. I am trying to devote specific time for praying each day and would love to know how to pray for your families. 

Secondly, I think it is supposed to be warmer this week! I hope everyone can get outside, exercise, and explore as much as possible. That honestly is my biggest tip of the week. I will wait until next week (after the end of "spring break") to send any official activities that go along with the theme we would have done in class, but I will share a few things today!

1. There are so many ways to use outside time for learning... Get creative! Anna and I spent time hiking last week and counted acorns, counted how many jumps she did in puddles, etc. You could try making letters and numbers out of sticks or making patterns with plants!
2. Use letters and walk around outside looking for things that start with that letter and lay the letter on it.
Image result for magnet letters
3. Work together to make towers as tall as possible and count the items in the towers! Have fun destroying them as well, of course. 
Image result for tower built out of food cans
4. Check out this AWESOME resource: Anna and I really like these because they involve a book, a video, and an activity. Make sure to do the activity together! (There are also options for all other ages for older kiddos in your family!)
5. Continue to challenge yourself to read at least 3 books together each day... Or the same book a thousand times, as Anna has been asking for this week! :) 
6. Find something to build with shapes... We love these puzzles. You also can cut out your own shapes and work on shape ID and shape configuration that way!

7. My mom sent me this link... Maybe not as great as an in-person story hour but a great option right now! Each day is also followed by a list of activity ideas like the one pictured below: 

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