Monday, April 20, 2020

Buzzing Into Insect Week!

Wow, another week in the books!

I hope all of you survived the week of cold weather. It was tough here not being able to take the kids outside as much. We had been basically living outside the week before. I know my patience was tested some, and many prayers were prayed! I am learning now more than ever the importance and the power of continual prayer... We are invited to be in constant communication with the Creator of all things, the Prince of Peace, the All-Knowing, the Provider and Sustainer... I don't know about you, but I sometimes forget this. While I may not feel thankful for these trying times, I am thankful that we can all call upon our God and that He will sustain us. 

As far as this week at preschool, it would have been INSECT week, which is always buzzing with lots of fun! :) I hope you can enjoy a few of these ideas and come up with some of your own! My biggest project is simply getting Anna to even touch a bug! Haha. Hopefully I'm not the only one... We are making progress though! There really is so much to be learned and so many fascinating things about insects! If any of you have neat books that you want to share titles of, that would be awesome! I usually try to have tons of books available in the classroom (from the library) just to look at pictures, but online books will have to do this year!

Here are some things you might try... I am also going to see if I can get my mother-in-law to send us a short video later this week of her taking care of her beehives and give us some fun bee facts. We shall see what I come up with!

1. Poetry: This butterfly poem is one I always do! It is to the tune of "Up on the Housetop"... You could color the pictures and look for letters you know! We often do a life cycle of a butterfly craft to go with it! Here a simple one that can go on a paper plate!

Butterfly Life Cycle - Lessons - Tes Teach

2. Art Fun: I cut apart an egg carton last week into four pieces. I thought it would be perfect for making some insects with Anna this week to talk about the body segments of an insect (head, thorax, abdomen). Here are some examples if you want to give it a try! Anna tried a fire ant this morning. :) We plan to just watch a YouTube video about each insect she makes!

Make Egg Carton Bugs | Ant crafts, Insect crafts, Egg carton art Yarn-Wrapped Egg Carton Bee Craft for Kids - Buggy and Buddy

Egg Carton Cricket Craft

3. Math/Measuring: Last year, I printed these insect silhouettes and laid out different objects for the students to measure them with. You can use anything! These are also great for using comparative words (longest, shortest, wider, narrower) and putting in order from smallest to largest or largest to smallest. The other image is a dotting page that Mrs. Laura shared! You can use this to practice one-to-one counting together. 

Writing/Letter Sounds: The bug cards are fun to cut apart and scatter around inside or outside for a scavenger hunt! Depending on your child's readiness level, you could give them a clipboard and let them walk around to collect them and write down the first letter. You could also use the scavenger hunt to look for real bugs around the yard!

Here are some photos of some sweet friends last week!

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