Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Two Weeks of Fun!

We had a wonderful week celebrating Easter in our class! Christ has risen!

We did a variety of Easter activities, including an Easter egg hunt! We also painted crosses with our fingerprints and had fun color sorting with Jelly beans! 

We continued to work on one to one correspondence, this time by decorating Easter eggs. Our letter focus was the letter E. (E is for Easter and E is for eggs!)

We spent some time sharing with our friends what we all do to celebrate Easter and of course continued our playtime and Green Room fun! 

We also had fun with insect week! I is for insect! We each made our own bumblebees using a pattern with yellow and black! We also reviewed our shapes by making caterpillars with circles and rectangles. We even learned about symmetry by painting butterflies and enjoyed looking for insects! 

Following these two weeks, see if your child can still tell you the story of Easter. Also see if you can find a few objects that start with the letters E and I to sort together by beginning sound! Take some time outside and see if your child can find ten bugs! 

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