Sunday, October 21, 2018

Pumpkin! Pumpkin!

We first wanted to say thank you to everyone's generosity with the Trike-a-Thon! Over fall break, we were able to put many new things in our room thanks to the generous donations! This sweet group enjoyed exploring some of the new things in our room!

Cutting with our new play-doh scissors!

We loved our new magnet mazes!

The new and improved reading center was a
definite hit!

Everyone enjoyed the new playground equipment!

Fun with our new hedgehog blocks!

This week was also filled with lots of pumpkin fun! We missed everyone over fall break! We definitely had an exciting first week back to school.

We also had lots of fun this week learning about how pumpkins grow and what's inside a pumpkin. We read several pumpkin books, including The Pumpkin Patch Parable and Pumpkin Pumpkin. These books both talked about the life cycle of a pumpkin, as well as what can be found inside. We even got to see inside one and taste pumpkin seeds this week! Maybe they can feel the pulp themselves if your family carves a pumpkin together at home! Our Bible focus this week was about how we can shine when we have the love of Jesus in our hearts, just like a pumpkin can shine when you carve its smiling face and put a light inside. We also practiced our new Bible verse: "God is with you wherever you go." (Joshua 1:9)

To go along with our pumpkin theme, we also painted pumpkins and used shapes to create our own paper Jack-o-lanterns. We also used pumpkins to review the letters we have done so far (M, F, P, L, Z, E, and A).  Our poem of the week was "Five Little Pumpkins." You can check your child's poem folder for some fun activities to do with this poem together!

In our centers this week, enjoyed forming letters with pumpkin seeds and counting with pumpkin seeds. We also had a grand time hammering golf tees into our pumpkin and measuring our pumpkin to see how tall and how fat it was. We even did a fun pumpkin candy science experiment!

We can't wait to see them next week for more fall fun and our Halloween party!

This week, see if you can...
1. Create your own Jack-o-lantern with the pumpkin project paper we sent home.
2. Draw a jack-o-lantern face that includes squares, circles, and triangles. (Review these shapes.)
3. Practice the "Five Little Pumpkins" poem together... They will get to take home a book with this poem at the fall party!
4. Look for the letter P in books around the house.
5. Cut up some old magazines or newspapers. (Scissor practice is important!)

We did a great job matching letters in our letter 
pumpkin patch!

We are pattern block experts!

We looked inside and smelled inside a pumpkin :)

These boys loved measuring our pumpkin
with connecting cubes!

Pumpkin shape matching!

The sensory bin is always a hit!

We were very creative with our jack-o-lanterns!

They would have kept using the hammers all morning!

Wow! What hard workers!

This sweet girl loved sharing her box!

Happy birthday to these awesome boys!

We always love the green room!

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